The Claw

This week on The Claw Podcast, Eric is joined by Jencap’s Kathryn Smith. As the Managing Director of Marketing, Kathryn has overseen more than 12 mergers, acquisitions, and rebrands in 2021. After rising to the 4th largest insurance wholesaler in the country in less than 6 years of existence, Jencap is a brand with a story to tell. Listen in as Kathryn discusses what it takes to unify a large group of specialized businesses all under one brand umbrella.

Direct download: 121521-LigerKathryn-full-edited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

One of the most important aspects of business is understanding who you are trying to reach. When trying to reach your audience, whether through advertising, campaigns, or surveys, it’s important to consider their perspectives and experiences. On this week’s episode, UX Researcher & Liger, Jojo Bowling is here to discuss what information you may be missing about your customers. From bias to focus groups to question types, JoJo and Eric cover all of the hot-button topics.Listen in to learn how you can understand and reach your audience.

Direct download: 102521-jojo-fulledited-audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EDT